Dear WTA Community, We are moving the needle. We still have a long way to go, but good things have happened over the winter. We recently attended an evening with BC Premier Eby and the Honourable Lana Popham (BC Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport); we are feeling optimistic that real steps are being taken to build a more sustainable future for generations to come. And a more sustainable future for BC wilderness tourism as well. There were two big pieces of news over the past month…both of them significant victories for forests and fish—and all the biodiversity surrounding them. Better Forest Protection: BC Premier Eby announced the striking of a clause that gave logging operations priority over forest protection. Win for Wild Salmon: The Honourable Joyce Murray, Federal Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, announced that licences would not be renewed for fish farms in the Discovery Islands, a major migration route for wild Pacific salmon.
The WTA, and our various circles, have been advocating for many years on these issues. We will continue to push for change and we still have lots of work to do…but we will also allow ourselves a pat on the back as our initiatives are seeing results. Read on to learn more about the news above and also find out about some great educational member offerings…we are gearing up for a fantastic 2023 in the wild. Thank-you to our supporters! Jeneen Sutherland
Executive Director, Wilderness Tourism Association of BC