Dear WTA Community, It is that time when we look back and reflect upon all that we are grateful for. We’ve had tumultuous times since the start of the pandemic, but 2022 saw an incredible rebound for our members. There were still many hurdles… from staff shortages, to COVID curveballs, to outdated regulations, to crazy red tape…but we ‘went with the flow’ and delivered fantastic wilderness experiences to our guests. The one thing that we are most proud of is our continued dedication to the lands and waters upon which we operate. We’ve been a prominent voice of the BC wilderness since the ‘80s and we will continue to be environmental stewards. We were thrilled by the recent announcement at COP15 that governments around the globe will protect 30% of lands and waters by 2030. We are looking forward to working with the BC government in the coming years to make this a reality. We are ready for 2023! You can pretty much throw anything at us after these past couple of years. Read on for more info about winter getaways and learn about promising news coming out of COP15. Also, if your organization is the right fit for the WTA, we’d love to have you join us in 2023. Wishing you and yours all the best this holiday season. Jeneen Sutherland
Executive Director, Wilderness Tourism Association of BC