Dear WTA Community, One minute we are in full summer sitting outside on a warm evening wearing t-shirts. The next, we are donning puffy jackets and toques while kicking through the autumn leaves. For many of our operators, November is a coveted time of rest after a busy season. But it is also a time of preparation for next year. Lodgings are closed up for winter. Boats are scrubbed down. Equipment is inventoried and tucked away. Staff recruitment is already happening for next year. Future bookings are rolling in. Itineraries are being carefully planned. Marketing initiatives are in the works. Niggly administrative tasks are tended to. And there is always the constant stewardship of the land and the seas—that never stops for our members. The protection of the precious areas upon which we all operate is always on our minds…and that is why our members are part of the WTA. Our membership applications are open for 2023- we’d love to have you join us if your values align with ours (see below). It can be lonely out there in the wilderness and we are collectively doing great things. Read on to learn why we added our name on a letter to government asking for better management of our forests. In this newsletter we also share details about the Reconciliation work that we are doing. And we’ve got a treat of a member spotlight for you too! Enjoy the last of the falling leaves… Jeneen Sutherland
Executive Director, Wilderness Tourism Association of BC